Tbk6 The cat’s heartbreak: After a long year, the cat did not leave the place where his owner was buried, keeping his oath of devotion and loyalty.

Heartbroken cat

Those who question the depth of love and devotion in animals may need to reconsider. Stories like the dog who miraculously appeared at his owner’s funeral demonstrate that animals can form as strong attachments to us as we do to them – they grieve just like humans do.

In Indonesia, a heartbroken cat has been showcasing this profound connection for over a year. Despite her owner’s demise, she remains by the gravesite, nuzzling, rolling around, and crying. Attempts to lure her away with food, water, and shelter have proved futile. Her grief is a poignant reminder that animals can experience loss and pain just like humans.

Heartbroken cat 1

In Central Java, many locals know about this grieving feline. She spends her days at her late owner’s grave, refusing to leave despite the generous offers of food and water from kind-hearted strangers.

Keli Keningau Prayitno, a passerby moved by the cat’s plight, tried to adopt her. However, she was adamant about returning to the grave. “I thought she was homeless and tried to help, but every time, she would keep returning to the same place,” he told the Daily Mail.

cat owner

One day, Keli noticed the cat making a rare departure from the gravesite. Intrigued, he decided to follow her. The journey led to her previous home, where the deceased owner’s children fed her. But once her visit ended, she returned to the grave, continuing her mourning rituals.

Heartbroken cat 2

Despite the numerous offers of new homes and families, this little cat remains loyal to her late owner. “We take some food and water to the cat, but she still likes to go home. She’s at the grave every day,” said Keli.

The cat’s unwavering devotion is a heartbreaking sight. As Keli noted, “It’s regrettable to see. It shows just how close animals are to their owners.”

Heartbroken cat 3

When we lose a loved one, moving on from the grief can seem almost impossible. This little cat’s year-long mourning period proves that animals can feel this pain just as deeply as we do. Her story is a testament to the fact that everyone, whether they walk on four legs or two, processes loss in their unique way.

Please ‘SHARE’ this touching story with your friends and family!

(h/t: Daily Mail)

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