“Introducing Galette, One of Banoffee’s Adorable Offspring – Petite, Precious, and Absolutely Irresistible!” SR

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Meet Galette, one of Banoffee’s babies, she is all things teeny, weeny but the cutest little beanie!

Photo of Billy BobPhoto of Billy Bob

Whilst gorgeous Galette is the runt of the litter, what she lacks in size she makes up for in personality. Independent and confident, she’s happy to zip around the place exploring or finding a spot to play with her toys. Loving and full of fun, Galette is all of the joy in her foster home! She’s just a happy go lucky, take it as it comes type of gal!

Photo of Billy Bob

Tiny Galette is looking for an active family who will involve her in their day to day life. She’s definitely not a tiny lap dog and is your typical busy terrier. She’s currently in a multi dog foster household and would love a playful doggy friend in her new home. She could be your only doggo, if she had regular doggy play dates and had someone home more often than not.

Photo of Billy Bob

Being only a baby, Galette’s new fam will need to be committed to her ongoing training to ensure she grows up to be a well balanced and well socialised dog. This include teaching pee pees and poo poos are for outside.

Photo of Billy Bob

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