Aww Rare White Tiger Killed By Bengal Big Cats After Zoo Keeper Left Door Open!!

The two tigers were mixed together because a zookeeper at Bannerghatta Biological Park in India accidentally left an enclosure door open, it is believed.

She can be seen trying to fight three of them off after they gather around her at the zoo in Bengaluru city.

Meanwhile, desperate zoo staff blast car horns and shout at the big cats to try to scare them away. But it doesn’t work as one of the tigers drags Shreyas to the ground, before the others join in with the attack. Amar managed to escape the enclosure, although he suffered injuries to his paw and jaw.

C Jayaram, principal chief conservator of forests for the government, said an investigation has been launched. He added: ‘In the meanwhile, we have also instituted an inquiry to find out why such a mishap happened.

‘It should not be repeated and people who were lethargic must be punished. ‘Both the Bengal tigers are fine and they have been treated.’

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