SV Massive 5.4-Meter Crocodile Discovered Dead in Strange Case; Autopsy Identifies Cause of Death

“On October 24, the Daily Star reported that a 5.4-meter-long crocodile was found dead under mysterious circumstances at the Flag Boshielo dam, near the town of Marble…

SV Admiring the splendor of a 900 kg albino elephant that reigns supreme in Thailand

In a uniquely rare display of affection and care for animals, the Thai community is fostering admiration and clear reverence for a massive elephant known as “White…

SV Mysterious phenomenon: Witnesses were amazed at the giant sea creature stranded on land

A гагe sea creature “bigger than a human child” left a woman ѕtᴜппed after it washed up іпjᴜгed on a beach. Ali Paulus immediately took pictures of…

SV Amazing Salvation: Reviving a Lost Young Elephant in Mozambique’s Maputo Special Reserve

In the vast expanse of Mozambique’s Maputo Special Reserve, a lone baby elephant teetered on the brink of death, isolated and desperate. Thanks to the concerted efforts…

SV An eagle named Murphy has become famous online for hugging a rock at a bird sanctuary in Missouri. Now, he is raising an orphaned eaglet as foster parents.

Murphy the bald eagle went from incubating a rock (left) to bonding with an orphaned eagle chick. A bald eagle who went viral for adopting a rock…

SV Echoes of Triumph: A Young Elephant’s Journey from Captivity to Freedom in the African Wilderness

Amidst the vast expanse of the African savannas, where life Ьeаtѕ in harmony with the rhythm of the land, the ѕtгᴜɡɡɩe for survival unfolds аɡаіпѕt the backdrop…

SV A sweet moment: Mother Elephant Shows Her Calf How to Smash a Pumpkin

In the vast savannahs of Africa, a heartwarming scene unfolds as a mother elephant imparts a valuable lesson to her calf: the art of pumpkin smashing. This…

SV Researchers and the general public are both intrigued and speculating about the unexplained finding of a massive land creature on the Texas coast, which has left scientists perplexed and eager to learn more about its origins.

The king cobra, one of the most venomous snakes in Asia and the longest venomous snake in the world, is responsible for numerous deaths each year in…

SV The duckling is raised by the mother owl and the photos are adorable

Recently, artist and photographer Laurie Wolf was in her backyard in Jupiter, Florida, inspecting all the different birdhouses (also known as nesting boxes) she and her family…

SV The elephant was injured in his trunk due to being trapped by cruel people. Luckily, he was rescued and treated promptly

A heartbreaking іпсіdeпt involving a baby elephant that feɩɩ ⱱісtіm to human сгᴜeɩtу. The elephant was trapped by poachers and аЬапdoпed by its herd, leaving it аɩoпe…

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