The super fat baby weighed 19kg when he was only eight months old.s2

Little girl Chahat weighed 19kg when she was just 8 months old
Little girl Chahat weighed 19kg when she was just 8 months old

Suraj Kumar, his father, said that when he was born, Chahat’s weight was completely normal like any other child, but after just four months, his weight increased rapidly to a dizzying pace. And now the 8-month-old baby weighs as much as a four-year-old baby.

“Her weight is increasing day by day,” he said.

Even Chahat’s parents were surprised and didn’t understand why their daughter had such an insatiable appetite and both became increasingly worried about her health .

Chahat was so fat that the doctor could not draw blood
Chahat was so fat that the doctor could not draw blood

Her mother, Reena, said, “Before Chahat was born, we had a son but he died right after birth. Now I only have Chahat and don’t want to lose him. I’m very worried about his health.” baby’s.”

Reena said Chahat’s food intake was four times the normal amount of food for children of the same age. “He doesn’t have meals like other children. Chahat always eats. If we don’t feed him, he will cry. Sometimes Chahat cries and wants to go out, but we can’t pick him up because he’s too heavy. So we I can only take her to places near here,” she said.

Chahat weighs like a 4 year old baby
Chahat weighs like a 4 year old baby

Chahat’s parents do not believe that their parenting style caused Chahat to gain weight.

“This is not our fault. God gave her this condition and we can’t do anything. I feel very bad when people laugh at her because she is fat,” said Chahat’s father.

Because of his obesity, Chahat is now having difficulty breathing and even sleeping. Not only that, her skin was thicker and harder than usual, making blood collection very difficult. Local doctors were surprised by Chahat’s condition and the family did not have enough money to travel further to seek medical treatment.

“We don’t have enough money to treat her but we always do the best to keep her healthy. But the problem is her skin is so hard that the doctor can’t take blood,” said Chahat’s mother. .

Dr. Vasudev Sharma said this was the first time he had seen a baby’s weight increase so dramatically within just four or five months after birth. But they still couldn’t get blood for testing because the fat layer was too thick.

“We tried many times but her skin was so thick that we couldn’t diagnose her condition,” he said. “Her weight has increased excessively and must be controlled. She must eat less. She is eating like a 10-year-old.”

Vasudev advised the family to seek out child specialists at the civil hospital in Amritsar, but the family was too poor.

Chahat’s mother hopes that her daughter will have a bright future.

“We want Chahat to be able to play like other normal children. We don’t want her to have any difficulties. We just want a good future for her,” she said.

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