son.Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded “screen hero”

Jason Statham is a famous actor with very good martial arts skills and often performs beautiful duels himself without the need for a stuntman. With his outstanding physique and experience in martial arts, the male actor is famous for his close combat moves that require high precision. Bored of fighting villains, this year Jason decided to challenge the Megalodon shark in The Meg .

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 1.

Whether in the sea or on land, Jason Statham has excellent action scenes. Everyone is wondering, you have done many action scenes on land, you have also fought sharks in the sea, so when will you fight in outer space? Before that day comes, let’s review these 7 action moments branded “silver screen hero”!

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 2.

1. Confronting sharks in The Meg (Super Tyrant Shark)

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 3.

When fighting sharks, Jason’s character Jonas Taylor bets with his life, all or nothing before the aggressive and voracious shark. Moviegoers watched the movie many times because they thought Jason would be snatched away, but thanks to his swimming speed and intelligence, he was able to escape the mouth of the prehistoric shark.

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 4.

How old is this big mouth thing that can bite you?

Not only did he dive into the submarine to “stubborn” with the ancient monster, Jonas also dared to plunge into the water without protection. As a result, he was closely chased by the megalodon and could only escape by throwing himself onto the ship right in front of the shark’s nose. Don’t imitate Jason Statham, guys.

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 5.

And here is the scene where Jonas almost got his toothpick made by a megalodon

2. Escape from house surrounded by assassins in Transporter 1 (Transporter 1, 2002)

Jason Statham became famous after the action series Transporter when he played Frank Martin – a freight transporter. The most surprising scene in the movie is probably when Frank and Lai ( played by Thu Ky ) were talking in the house when the rocket flew straight in and blew up the roof top. Not only did they try to escape the burning house, but Frank and Lai also had to avoid the bullets of the assassins outside the door. Fortunately, the two jumped into the sea in time before being burned to death along with Frank’s house.

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 6.

2. Racing scene in Transporter 2 (Transporter part 2, 2005)

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 7.

There are many action movies that have chase scenes on the highway, but this time Jason also has to race while carrying a boy and a female assassin. To cut off the police car, Jason had to weave through different roads. The car rushed from one building to another and stopped close to the threshold of a room on a high floor.


3. One on one in Transporter 3 (Transporter part 3, 2008)

People often say that if you can’t beat one, you’ll be lame. Frank was alone but had to fight a group of people sent by Johnson. These people are not average, they are all gangsters, tall, dark, and muscular. Despite being so big, it didn’t matter to Jason. After a few minutes of fighting, he defeated them all.

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 9.

The battle is only really tough when Jason has to fight the big guy, the guy who when facing him looks much smaller than Jason. This time he couldn’t just use his strength but also had to use his brain. While fighting him hand to hand and concentrating his thoughts, he finally defeated that stupid giant with… a shovel.

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 10.

4. Chase the moving train in Transpoter 3

Frank drove his car straight onto the roof of the train car. This seemingly crazy action is a fascinating scene in the movie. He then jumped inside the train through the window and tried to avoid the kidnappers’ bombs. After dealing with his petty subordinates, he switched to hand-to-hand combat with Johnson. Frank and Johnson both decided to live comfortably in the cramped cabin. Then finally Johnson was blown up along with the train car, ending the “pretty” Transporter trilogy.

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 11.

6. Hanging in the air in The Mechanic (The Mechanic, 2016)

Jason plays Arthur Bishop, a professional assassin who wants to kill Adrian Cook, a scoundrel who got rich through human trafficking. Cook owns an outdoor swimming pool on the roof of a 58-story building, which is where Arthur ended his life.

Arthur climbed through the building’s window and suspended himself by a protective rope. He then tried to cling to the bottom of the swimming pool and injected a chemical to break the bottom of the pool. The swimming pool broke, Cook fell to the ground while swimming and Arthur quickly jumped into the room and escaped.

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When looking from below, people only see a man floating above a skyscraper.

7. Resolve feuds in the style of “street jealousy” in Fast and Furious 7 (Too fast, too dangerous)

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In Fast and Furious , Jason and Vin’s characters are opposites. When Ian Shaw (Jason) and Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) encountered each other, they… crashed their cars into each other before taking out sticks to “beat them”. Both Vin and Jason are truly two-for-one, I don’t know who will lose first. The fighting was quite beautiful and cruel, with both sides wanting to defeat the other in anger. After getting bored of fighting, Jason had to give the stage to Vin Diesel and he fell into a hole due to the impact of a bomb.

Jason Statham and 7 lifetime action moments branded as a screen hero - Photo 14.

With dramatic action movies that make viewers’ hearts pound, Jason Statham is the number one choice for this genre. If anyone still doubts Jason Statham’s acting ability, watch The Meg to verify. Even if you win against an ancient shark, who can compete with this unmatched “beautiful guy”?


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