SHB. Heartwarming story: Dog was reunited with its family after being missing for 300 days gaining the love of internet community.

The unconditional love that dogs can provoke in people is something indescribable. They are capable of filling our lives with joy, company and love. And the story of Juicee, a dog who was reunited with her family after more than 300 days missing, is a clear example of this.

It all started in Texas, when the organization Animales de Austin, dedicated to helping the Spanish-speaking community in the city, posted an image of Juicee on its Facebook page in December 2022.

The pet was at the Austin Animal Center shelter and was ready to be adopted. What no one knew at that time was that the dog already had a family that was desperately looking for her.

Juicee had arrived at the shelter in June of the previous year, and the shelter employees thought she was a stray puppy. They had been looking for a home for her for several months, unaware that she had a family that loved and missed her. But thanks to the spread of it on social networks, a person realized that the dog was the pet of the neighboring family that was tirelessly looking for it.

The family, whose identity was not released, had given up hope of finding Juicee after an acquaintance incorrectly informed them that she had passed away. Also, the family had moved from Austin to Florida at the time. However, when another acquaintance informed them that the dog was at the Austin Animal Center, they did not hesitate to drive more than 20 hours to be reunited with her beloved pet.

The emotion was indescribable when Juicee was finally reunited with her family after 301 days at the shelter. The images captured the moment when the furry girl jumped and wagged her tail with happiness when she saw her loved ones. The joy and love that was palpable in that meeting were evident, showing the deep bond that can be created between a dog and his family.

Juicee, who was actually called Kardashian before being given her new name at the shelter, was finally brought home to Florida, where she will be able to enjoy the company and love of her family once again. The story of this dog went viral, shocking thousands of people on social networks, and serving as a reminder of the powerful bond that can exist between animals and humans.

This story also highlights the importance of social media outreach and community collaboration in finding lost animals. Thanks to the work of the Animales de Austin organization and the help of people committed to spreading the story of Juicee, he was able to be reunited with his family, demonstrating that solidarity and support can make a difference in the life of a lost animal.

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