SD. “Bubbly at Five: Celebrating a Milestone Birthday!”


It’s a day of joy, laughter, and endless excitement as little Bubbles turns five! This milestone birthday marks a journey filled with growth, discovery, and unforgettable memories. From the first steps to the first words, every moment has been a cherished milestone in Bubbles’ life, and today, it’s time to celebrate all that she has become.

As the sun rises on this special day, Bubbles is greeted with hugs, kisses, and a flood of birthday wishes from family and friends. The air is filled with anticipation as decorations adorn the house, setting the stage for a celebration fit for a princess. Balloons dance in the breeze, streamers shimmer with every flutter, and the scent of freshly baked cake fills the air, teasing the taste buds with sweet anticipation.

The day unfolds with a flurry of excitement as Bubbles dives into a world of wonder and delight. From games and laughter to presents wrapped in colorful paper, every moment is a treasure to be savored. The sound of children’s laughter echoes through the halls, mingling with the joyful melodies of birthday songs sung with love and enthusiasm.

Amidst the festivities, there’s a sense of reflection—a moment to pause and marvel at how quickly time flies. It feels like just yesterday that Bubbles was taking her first steps, yet here she is, a radiant five-year-old, brimming with curiosity and boundless energy.

But today is not just about the passage of time; it’s about celebrating the vibrant spirit of Bubbles—the laughter that lights up the room, the kindness that warms the heart, and the endless love that fills every corner of her world. It’s a day to honor the remarkable journey she has embarked upon and the incredible person she is destined to become.

As the day draws to a close and the stars twinkle in the night sky, Bubbles blows out the candles on her cake, making a wish for another year filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures. And as she embraces her loved ones in a tight hug, surrounded by the warmth of their affection, she knows that no matter where life may lead, she will always be cherished and celebrated for the remarkable little girl she is.

Happy 5th birthday, Bubbles! May your days be filled with joy, your dreams be as big as the sky, and your heart be forever filled with love. Today and always, may you shine as brightly as the stars and continue to inspire everyone around you with your boundless spirit and infectious laughter.

Even after being poisoned, a mother dog summoned her last ounce of strength to raise her head, desperately pleading for assistance to save her puppies-pvth

“My heart was broken when we discovered Luna…”

She was a mother of 6 newborn pups, after she gave birth and attempting to locate food, they poisoner her, they hid poisoned food under a vehicle where she gave birth, and the poor female became stuck, she ate those poisoned food.

A young boy spotted Luna in extremely critical position, he waited the elderly person [who left the food] gone and phoned Prishtina Dog Shelter.They got there as soon as possible, Luna breathed terribly but still raise her head to plead to preserve her pups. The volunteer’s Vet gave her urgent injection to save her.

They brought her into the Prishtina Dog Shelter, reunification with her kids…

She was quite weak and needed rest but she was okay…the following day, Luna finally was ready to take her first injections, which is required for her & her pups health, she was a little worried but behaved very well, such a nice dog.

Next morning Vet check her and everything was OK, Luna is OK as her kids still too little, haven’t ready for adoption. Luna was pretty thrilled when she saw them.

She was quite friendely, obviously she wasn’t stray dog, someone abandoned her.

…some good views instead…

Nikita and Luna (orphans discarded and rescued the day before Luna) follow Luna, who allows them to breastfeed even though they are not hers; isn’t she a wonderful mother?

Luna and her pups were adopted to their permanent home after just 10 days at the center. A loving family in LA that Luna deserves.


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