Ns. A Cat Named Midas Has Gone Viral for Being Too Cute with Distinctive 4 Ears and a ‘Mlem’ Expression on Her Face

If you regularly follow animal news on Instagram, you must have heard of Midas – the cat with 4 ears who has become a famous figure on social media.

Midas, a Russian Blue breed cat, might have been born with an extra pair of ears due to an inherited recessive gene from its parents. The kitten was adopted by a woman in Turkey named Canis Dosemeci, who told reporters that Midas, at 4 months old, was found along with a pack of stray dogs in a friend’s yard. Instead of letting the kitten wander the streets, Dosemeci brought the kitten home, hoping that Midas would get along with her other two pets, a dog and a cat.

In the realm of cat mutations, four-eared cats are not unheard of. Back in 2018, a four-eared cat named Frankenkitten even became the face of a pet adoption rescue campaign in Australia. Perhaps because the presence of four ears is a benign mutation that seems to not negatively affect the lives of these cats, people often admire them with warm eyes.

So, it’s no surprise that Dosemeci created an Instagram account for Midas, and the kitten immediately became the center of attention. To date, the cat has attracted over 300 thousand followers, all mesmerized by her large round eyes, cute extra ears, and the heart-shaped fur patch on her chest.

Dosemeci mentioned that although the extra ears don’t make “superhero” Midas hear better, they seem to do no harm to her, and the kitten is leading a completely happy and healthy life in her new home.

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