GS.Introducing Monji: the enchanting feline captivating social media with her endearing human-like expressions, igniting a frenzy online. Isn’t she just adorable?

Monji, The mischievous cat, has over 80,000 followers on instagram,  The breed can trace its ancestry back to the domestic cats of Rome, when they were prized for their At least for Nana, the only thing she seems to be good at capturing is followers.

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She gives everything from a side eye to an adorable, wide shocked expression.

Thousands of fans eagerly wait for Monji’s owner to post new pictures and videos of their feline idol. The cat breed is very easygoing, becoming attached to their owners easily, and can get along with other pets.


One can only imagine the photo above resembling fans waiting for an iconic expression from the feline.

Get a load of those green eyes.

Although she looks super adorable, people are probably following her for her wide range of expressions. Check out how soft she looks.


It’s almost as if she knows the camera is there, and she’s ready for her close-up.

Or maybe that was too close-up.

Here she is again smiling and showing off those gums.

A funny photo with her little tongue sticking out.

And yes, she can be quite the cute drama queen.

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