C5/Conor McGregor Rocks the Dock on a Super Yacht with His Beautiful Girlfriend


Picture backgroundConor McGregor is still busy “traveling” to relax
At this time, Conor McGregor is still vacationing on the beautiful island of Ibiza and after reaping a lot of money thanks to the match with Floyd Mayweather, McGregor did not hesitate to rent a luxury yacht to take the whole family out.

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Seen too oftenConor McGregor vẫn đang miệt mài “du hí” xả hơi
Conor McGregor does not hesitate to rent a luxury yacht
Conor McGregor does not hesitate to rent a luxury yacht
McGregor also proudly boasted on his personal Instagram page that the yacht he rented cost up to 360 million USD and is the most expensive yacht on the planet. And of course, the Irish boxer made the most of his time partying on this super yacht.

The 29-year-old boxer happily went on vacation with his family
The 29-year-old boxer happily went on vacation with his family
His beautiful girlfriend Dee Devlin and sister Aoife also shared the joy with Conor McGregor. However, after tasting enough delicious food and partying, many fans are worried that Conor McGregor will gain a few pounds and affect his physical strength.

Conor McGregor eats, drinks, and plays to his heart’s content…
Picture background…and risk gaining a few pounds
…and risk gaining a few pounds
After earning nearly 100 million US dollars from his match with Floyd Mayweather, Conor McGregor is still extending his “relaxation” days. McGregor’s coach, John Kavanagh, also confirmed that the 29-year-old boxer will rest until the end of this year.

Even though Conor McGregor was defeated by Floyd Mayweather, he still made a lot of money
Even though Conor McGregor was defeated by Floyd Mayweather, he still made a lot of money

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