An Indian baby was born with 4 legs and 4 arms, people suddenly rushed to worship.s2

An Indian baby was born with 4 legs and 4 arms, people suddenly rushed to worship


A woman in India gave birth to her baby with twice as many arms and legs as other births.


Giving birth to a child with a birth defect is one of the greatest pains for a mother. Recently, Indian media reported on such a birth.

The pregnant woman is a person living in Haflaganj village, Katihar district, Bihar state. When she was in the last month of her pregnancy, her family experienced labor and severe abdominal pain. This woman then had a fairly quick natural birth, but when she took the baby out, the doctor was shocked to discover that the baby had 4 arms and 4 legs . Both the mother and her family were very panicked.

A mother gives birth to a baby with 4 arms and 4 legs.

A mother gives birth to a baby with 4 arms and 4 legs.

Afterwards, the doctor in charge explained to the family that the baby had twice as many arms and legs as normal children due to the phenomenon of conjoined twins. More specifically, this mother was originally pregnant with twins, but for some reason the two embryos fused together and partially disappeared.

After hearing the explanation, the mother’s family believed that this was a mistake on the part of the hospital in doing an ultrasound and not detecting the baby’s deformities early. The hospital still has no answer to this question.

However, while the mother and family were extremely sad, local people believed that this was a special child, the embodiment of divinity. They constantly went to the hospital to see the baby and also performed worship rituals.

Babies with deformities in India often attract a lot of attention and are even worshiped as gods.

Babies with deformities in India often attract a lot of attention and are even worshiped as gods.

Previously, a 6-year-old girl also became famous for having “two noses” in Uttar Pradesh, Northern India. Many people also believe that she is the reincarnation of gods, so they worship her very much.

However, her family wanted their daughter to have a more normal life, so they went to the hospital for surgery. But doctors advise waiting until the girl is older to consider whether or not she can have cosmetic surgery.

To prevent the risk of fetal defects, during pregnancy, women should:

– Prenatal examination.

– Find risk factors for genetic diseases and plan to find the disease and the possibility that your child may inherit it and whether it can be treated…

– Supplement vitamins every day, especially folic acid before and during pregnancy.

– Use medicine with caution. Do not arbitrarily buy any medicine to take if you are about to or are pregnant.

– Maintain a healthy lifestyle and ideal weight.

– Do not drink alcohol or smoke

– Prevent infections by getting vaccinated, keeping your body healthy, avoiding crowded places and places where diseases are circulating.

– Learn about the living environment and some harmful agents such as lead, mercury, radiation…

– Avoid taking a sauna or soaking in hot water for too long. If you take a hot bath, only soak up to your shoulders, the water is not too hot and the time should not exceed 15 minutes.

– Regular prenatal check-ups and complete screening tests.

As soon as the baby was born, the couple quickly got together, and the young mother was stunned when she arrived at the hospital

This mother was very disappointed when she had a miscarriage but then gave birth to 3 children in a row within 11 months.

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