4t.Jennifer Lawrence Courageously Spoke out Against Sexual Harassment, Facing Backlash.

Actress Jennifer Lawrence revealed that she once got into trouble and was “punished” for protesting sexual harassment from a director.

Jennifer Lawrence joins actresses Allison Janney, Mary J. Blige, Jessica Chastain, Emma Stone, Saoirse Rona for a candid discussion about sexual harassment in Hollywood. This is an annual program of The Hollywood Reporter. The actresses freely shared their views on the recent hot sex scandal involving Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Louis CK,…

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Jennifer Lawrence does not regret standing up against the director’s harassment

Talking about why women often do not dare to stand up to report their harassers, Jennifer Lawrence commented that they are afraid of being punished, But if you continue to fear this without daring to speak frankly and truthfully, things will only get worse day by day. The 27-year-old actress said she was once told by a producer that she behaved “unruly and “disrespectful” when she stood up to protest sexual harassment from a director on set. “Basically, my job was threatened because the director was making outrageous comments and jokes and then I said straight to his face: That’s sick, you can’t talk to me like that!-Jennifer Lawrence recounted.Không có mô tả ảnh.

After that, she got into trouble: “I was punished and everything made me worry that I wouldn’t be hired by anyone to act in movies again. I was considered difficult and a nightmare. I think, many people don’t come forward. reputation because they are afraid of losing their jobs Jennifer Lawrence commented.

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However, she does not regret standing up to protest the director’s actions. That’s wrong and someone has to speak up against it instead of saying, “Oh, it’s wrong? That’s good, you’re Jennifer Lawrence added that sexual harassment is everywhere, it is a mistake to think that it only occurs in the entertainment industry. This problem can happen anywhere, at any job. Therefore, victims should be brave and stand up to demand justice for themselves!

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